Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where the Wild Things Wait

I was at Sophistimom's house, helping her pack for a pending move.
In her bedroom, we were making piles.
A pile for mail which needed answering.
A pile for children's books.
A pile of odds and ends for her new home's junk drawer.

"In which pile does this belong?" I asked, holding up a notebook.
She smiled a tired smile, moved to the bed and pulled back the unmade covers.
Swimming underneath their opaque sea was a pile of notebooks.
"Everytime I have a great idea, I start a notebook," she said. "These are all my notebooks full of unfinished ideas."
"Soul Sisters!" I squealed, "I have a stack of the very same!"
Notebooks began with grand intentions, scribbled in with mad fervor, then quickly forgotten, stacked in a pile with all of the other notebooks.

Above my head right now, as I type, is a leather suitcase full of those notebooks.
Stacks of paper inscribed with penciled tracks, trains of thoughts, a port to park my ideas for another day.
So, I've decided. It's time to dust off the papers of possibilties and jump into the journey.
Time to start acting on what's in those notebooks.

How about you? Do you have a pile of notebooks awaiting your attention?

Shall we get going?


  1. YES!!! That is soooooo me!!! LOL Actually in my email account I also have 55 drafts... emails and blog posts that I want to do...but I a basically blog EVERYday...and I never run out of ideas...SOOOO I can't post them all at once!!! HA!!! I have what I call two blogs... which is say is my 'Professional writing blog and which my FUN blog for EVERYTHING else!!!

  2. I don't write anything down, it's all a-jumble in this curly head of mine! Not that my head is curly...but I guess sometimes it is! All my ideas are jumbled up, like a giant rubberband ball. Notebooks...what a novel idea.

  3. How could you possibly know about my notebooks??? And my random scraps of paper, and yes, even napkins and paper towels scribbled with ideas and bits of ideas? The mind boggles! You are either a psychic or a kindred spirit! Love the new look! I love it when things get shaken up a bit!

  4. I too have these notebooks! Somewhere:)

  5. Notebooks, file cabinets, and scraps...OH MY! They clutter my drawers, desk, purse, and closet....and I LOVE it! I always have "new" ideas when I come across all my papers. Here's to the journey!

  6. Talk about soul sister. You must have snuck into my house and looked through my desk drawers and storage boxes. Except all of mine tend to be ideas for romance novels. Dialogue, character sketches, background plotting, you name it, I've jotted it down. Of course, all of the best stuff I've ever written, I just can't seem to put my hands on.

    So, I am hoping that you will have some amazing idea of how to get from the "I have a great idea" phase to the "do the actual work to make it happen" phase.

    PS--Care to know how I found you? I read a group political blog called "The Corner" from National Review Online. They had a post about Angie Smith (audreycaroline--Bring the Rain) and I read her story before Audrey was born and continued to follow her. Earlier this summer she posted a link to the NieNieDialogues and I followed it and kept reading. Then you made a chocolate cake for her that was and continues to be an abomination in the eyes of my jeans that were already too tight to fit and I followed the link over to you. I love your style. Keep up the good work.

    PPS--Your secrets blog has me thinking about trying the blogging thing again. Thank you for putting that great info out there!

  7. I totally have a stack of those notebooks - I just didn't want anyone to know. For me it's about making it real by letting someone else read or peruse them. One holds furniture sketches made from recycled junk parts. Another, sketches of dresses for little girls - so mod. And still another songs written in a futile attempt to show myself that I could hang with the likes Carole King.

    ~ She Wears Many Hats (and has many notebooks)

  8. My name is Sarah. I am a notebook-aholic. When I went into hospital to give birth to my son my mother was hysterical when it emerged that I had taken FOUR notebooks with me. Well! They were all for different types of list but I admit now it seems a little excessive...

  9. I have so many of these that they won't fit into a leather fact they take up two shelves on my bookcase. Seriously. I just read "The Wednesday Sisters," which is kind of inspiring me to at least keep writing on my mind - rather than ignoring the dream I always had of becoming a published author. It's a good read, and it's inspired a few of my friends and I to start a weekly writing society...and I'm going to recommend this blog as mandatory reading! :)
